There’s another new ninja costume available in the Poptropica Store. It’s called the Midnight Red Ninja costume and it’s available for members only. It’s based off an earlier costume, the original Midnight Ninja outfit, which is also still available in the store for everyone. The new Midnight Red Ninja costume features a black outfit with red accents. Your Poptropican will also get a really cool-looking ninja sword. Of course, it’s being released to promote the upcoming Red Dragon Island, which takes place in ancient Japan: when ninjas ruled!
The creators point out that everyone can still get the original Midnight Ninja and the Samurai outfit in the store. Members get them for free, and everyone else can use credits from completing the islands. Poptropica historians may remember that a few years ago, there was a limited edition ninja outfit available called the Light Ninja.

1st to comment woohoo spring BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its so lonly someon comment pleassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssse!
I like the creators method of taunting nonmembers with awesome costume and premium access. Its effective.
All my items are gone!!!
i had spring break since march WOW,your school is late!!!P.S. : i live in florida. MIAMI,YEEEEEEEEEEEE,WE LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why. quick hawk!?!
Whats the special action?
7th! Or 10 th comment on page.
I don’t like the costume.
The fork is nice.
your all crazy.the red ninja is awsome
You dare call me crazy? Maybe I should call you Insane Infernape!
room code dwm28 on it now
hey did you all notice infernape has a new picture
S.T.C Icy Lightlin, oh and this icon is more regular and I were it alot on poptropica when there are no other cool poptropica costumes i want to were
What does stc mean?
never mind lol
I re-bought them. They showed up in my inventory in the order they were before though… hmmm…
Does anyone know Trip Hawkins? I’m not sure whether he’s in the Hall of Game Fame, but that’s not the real point. There’s a game called TowerBloxx. Trip Hawkins has played it,(all you have to do is put tower after tower on top of them.) and I beat his score to 10 times higher! I was like :-O.
Infernape, you got that name from Pokémon, didn’t you?
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
I dont suffer from insanity…i enjoy every minute of it! ******************** It’s only funny until someone gets hurt…then it’s freaking hilarious! ******************** Stupid is trying to drown a fish for 18 hours… ******************** Don’t look at me in that tone of voice!!! ******************* My mom says I’m special…but who’s Ed?!? ******************* I asked my mom if I’m gifted and she said”well we wouldn’t have paid for you! ******************* Born to be wild…live to outgrow it. ******************** And lastly the joke of the day: There was a blond, a red head,and a brunette lining up for the electric chair. The red head walks ups and the guard asks her if she has any lasts words and she said no. So he pulls the plug and nothing happens,and the law is if the “chair” malfunctions said person gets go free. So the burnette walks up and the guard asks if she has any last words and she says no so the guard pulls the plug…and nothing happens…she walks free Then the blonde walks up and the guard asks if she has any last words and she says”well the chair might work if you plugged it in the wall all the way… All i have to say is that might be the one moment i would have kept my mouth shut!
P.S. NO OFFENSE AT ALL TO BLONDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY, I DIDN’T MEAN FOR ANY HARM DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^
P.S.S(kinda looks like piss XD) OMFG!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah. I think Infernape did.
Got Milk?
What if……………………………….
Cows were called Moos and they went “Coow, Coow”
Frogs were called Rrbbits and they went “Frog, Frog”
Dogs were called Barks and they went “Dog, Dog”
Cats were called Meows and they went “Cat, Cat”
Fishes were called … and they went “Fish, Fish”
Horses were called Neighs and they went “Hoorse, Hoorse”
I don’t get what you’re saying, Speedy Singer.
My favorite subjects are:
S.T.C means screw that comment
did you acctally make s.t.c. up? if you did your awesome!!!!!!!
i think i saw friendly dragon on poptropica!!!!!
i downloaded smilie central and i dont no how to work it!!!
You can use Smilie Central in your mail
what is smile central
anyone on?
RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????
Im on, If only the blighter who created this bloody site were to moderate me! Im bored playing poptropica…
yes i did make up S.T.C just because I wanted to say Screw That Comment
I now wish that I owned this costume. 🙁
This is completely unrelated, but- My friend and I were doing Wild West Island, and her poptropican was chewing popgum, so the photograph was moving! The mouth was chewing! And the photograph changes if you change- not immediately, but if you go out and come back again it will…. I think.
This is completely related, so- I like this costume so much, it’s funny I’m not begging my parents not to get me membership 😀
My parents won’t let me have membership. Boohoowoo!!!
Hey green grape, where do you live?
PS Members rule!!!!!!!!!!
when im older im getting membership!
My bloody mum wont get me membership! now, does any one here know smart paw? or CW? Im a old friend…
Any one happen to be on? Im waiting… Im going in a moment!
Well, My mums calling saying I have chores. Talk to you all tomorrow. Cant go on today again. Its “Family Day” 🙁 🙄 (Im sneaking on right now!) Bye bye! see you soon my soon mates!
Hullo? my mum alowed a bit… anyone here???? ill wait a bit…
I’m here.
im here you from englad
Still here? well yes… I was born in the US and moved to england for a year and I still live there how long youve been on? and does CW and Smart Paw ever come here?
Hullo? Hullo? oh I might as well say, I give nicknames. Infernape, your Infer. sandy, your sandy. hullo?
Ill wait…
Hey, I was courious, anyone ever heard of Secret Its quite cool… and if your wondering, I still have some american habits so i might sound “Unenglish” sometimes. hullo? anyone there? Im bored… and lonley… 😥
hey 🙂
Jeall are you still online?
dont call me infer! call me zaru or infernape
Ello????????? Im quite lonley and bored…
Yep… OK InFERNAPE! fine! what about my question, have you ever heard of CW or smart paw??? Im quite curious…
Hey! I remember IM HAPPY! You were here in augest last year! thats when me and my mates were here…
Hullo? uh! GOODBYE!!!
im not mad or anything. I just dont like infer and if you dont want to call me infernape then call me zaru 🙂
still here???? and ok… one thing. and dont get mad. are you a girl or boy? (Im girl)
‘course not. Im still here… for now
ok good day im gone. Oh and question, How do you put a pic on the side?
who? me. im a boy
gravatars you need an account
pleasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss some one comment im so bored I did nothing but lie at home all day because my dads at work and my mom dosent feel good
Oh… Bonjour! Vous êtes toujours là non? Im s’ennuie trop! and if your wondering, that is french… I speak a LOT of languages!
Means: hullo! are you still on? Im bored too!. oh, gotta go, Bye! TTYL!
Bonjour? Im gonna leave! uh! Your all a bunch of carfree, Daft, horrid, bloody american blighters!!!!! good day! and Ill be back soon, perhaps in a good mood, perhaps not. Hump! *storm a way swiftly, nose in the air* goodday!!!
I haven’t seen this one before Jeall: 🙄 !
infernape are you from england
Here’s lots of languages for: I also speak a lot of languages.
Japanese: 私はまた、言語の多くを話す。
Arabian: وأنا أتكلم أيضا الكثير من اللغات.
Greek: Μιλάω επίσης πολλές γλώσσες.
Italian: Parlo anche un sacco di lingue.
Afrikaans: Ek praat ook baie van die tale.
Chinese: 我也会讲很多语言。
French: Je parle aussi beaucoup de langues.
… …
hellow people
hey anyone online?
hey popularheart! 🙂
i am bored… 🙁
are you still online?
im not from england im from america NY
aka newyorker
:):(;(;):0 pie
i like smilies
Sound like a kid in class. hes from america. and (Unknown: Je comprends. Mes favoris sont German, French, and Italian, Même si je parle tous les autres … ) Any way anyone on NOW? and I say the names in English- I dont know… Hullo?
me still online!
did you notice the comments say the wrong time?
They do for me… Pop secrets live near me and not by you. You guys are in different time zones.
I’M SORRY,im actually to old to be bullying sorry for saying your not from england,lol,im sorry
Oh shut up you never stop joking freak! Im fine with us being enymys im tired of LOL!!! Good bye!
seriously Jeall! bendy turtle tries to aplogize and you tell her to shut up!
You are SOO NICE!!!!!!!!!!! 🙄
OMG! bendy turtle IS NOT a freak! you should treat her the way she wants to be treated! and she can say whatever she wants to say.
thank you guys,at least you guys under stand.WELL. . .i actually cursed out these people cuz they were gaining up on me,like i did something wrong!well fine jeall dont except my apology,i guess were enemies then. *sad voice*
about the jeall argument.
Bendy Turtle could you please ask her for me she won’t answer me
since nobody seems to come here anymore
Wow… now i know what you mean when you said you let your anger out 😉
(grins meekly)
Look I um am not usually a violent person she just makes me really mad ok
i wonder if
wonder if
Now tell me how that’s funny
i am bored
so bored
extremely bored
super bored
bored to the highest amount
i feel like sleeping
cause i am bored
like i might have mentioned before
but i had to clear that up
i thought of a slogan “Got Bored”
then underneath it im gonna have a kid sleeping
like i should be
but i can’t
which sucks
i blame the 5 cans of mountain dew
that i just had
shame on you mountain dew
im a poet and i didnt knowit
ah crap
i hate poets all they say is stuff that rimes
ha i just owned all of the poets out there
ok gonna go have a suckish day at school now bye
How can you be insane in a good way?
I am funny?
*smiles with confusion*
You’re cute when you’re angry, SP. Cuter than Holden.
*Tilts head to one side, smiles at SP*
*looks at feet and smiles* You think I am cute?
Ok I will be taking a vacation so I won’t be here for a while
Yes. You are cute. I won’t deny that.
Ah, yes. Some one to talk to, I hope.
Would you accept?
Hi, BT. Your initials.
Good radiance on your game. I mean that in a good way.
Um, mario64?
Yes, I do love him.
Now you DO get the point.
You have witnessed my true feelings.
Um, he’s cute. I said that apparently.
I LOVE him. Thank you very much.
Yes. That’s final.
he’s gonna come next morning. He’d be surprised.
So…You’re still on.
Dear SP,
If you have feelings for me just say it. Please don’t be embarrassed.
*Blushes at the last comment I posted*
This is our ‘informal’ meeting spot.
Please. i’m desperate.
Remember how I called you and Kesha swines? *giggles girlishly*
Oh, no. BT, you don’t understand. I had a crush on him since I lost Jake Mason.
I have a poptropican. They are:
Green Grape
Something or other
Red Heart
Um, no.
Dear Diary,
Finally, I showed my true feelings. After losing Jake, I waited for Kesha to lose it. Then I showed my true feelings to Shadowprince.
And also BT. Since she was around.
Someone pls reply. I can’t wait to see another comment.
what is evreybody talking about
I plan on staying up all night then once the Easter Bunny comes into my yard I’m gonna tackle him,knock him out,then call the cops since he was sneaking onto my property.
Before any of you Easter Bunny lovers get mad at me let me tell you this I am mad at him all he gave me last year were a small bag of reses pieces and a cheap looking basket so ever since then I have been plotting my revenge
SP did you read GG comments?
Perhaps I did
sorry =(
Um… Okay. *Blushes*
Awww, SP please.
😆 😆
If he said perhaps, he DID!!
uhh!! Hey! hows love gross? Ive had lovers on here before… *sigh dreamily* but thats the past. anyway, gotta write my book. G’night. sleep well…
BT: I can only see the one i made cause it’s the same website! 🙁
Note to self never drink 4 mountain dews in a row
now I can’t stop shaking
or maybe I just have Chiwawa blood in me
and GG…………………yes
anyone here at ze moment?
yeah that’s right I said “ze” instead of the
I meant to do that
I actually don’t know
Seriously why would I do that?
I wonder if I should see a therapist
I’m here
My teachers say “What’s wrong with you?”
My parents although they don’t say it are probably thinking the same thing
I guess I have a lot of issues
1 of those issues is saying ze instead of the
do you like GG
i like saying ye
OH look my parents are calling for me looks like I have to go
sure… 😉
Whats that supposed to mean?
Dinosaurs or Frogs?
I choose dinosaurs! XD
I saw Rio twice it’s so good! I loved and Tracy Morgans, they were so funny!
anyone here
hi BT
I was just asking if anyone was here
I would like anyone on this page to also post on this page-
All these people talk to is each other they need some new people
You call me NERD? *glares*
Um… Thanks. *Blushes*
Hi, SP….
Hey GG
Bendy Turtle
I know what type of people are there
it’s just that sometimes they go a liitle overboard
and I think someone as honest as yourself could mention that
to them and I am trying to bring Infernape as well.
Those people could use a new subject to talk about
GG you on?
My 2 favorite artists are Dan Z and Wags
They are 2 music artists
they r 2 rappers
I dont see why you are mad at me
Why do you have to be like that?
i need to know how to openthe sercert door the shark one the code to it
I’m here.
SP, I’m scared of Kesha’s wrath. She may get angry if she knows you and I are… well, you know.
if you’re asking why I’m mad at you, I’m talking about Bendy Turtle.
Not you.
I told kesha. She’s not mad at all.
Yeah, really.
My favourite singers are: Taylor swift, Celine Dion and Justin Bieber.
You know GG kesha will be going to a very warm place when she dies
Does that warm place have flames and Satan?,r:0,s:0&tx=107&ty=80
Soooooo are you going to talk to them????
and SS…………………..mmmaaaaaayyyyybbbbeeeee
It’s true. Maybe. Possibly 99.9%.
REAL possible. Anyway, milk ambrosia is delicious.
Yes BT he is the imposter but now we’re friends
No no no BT it is ok
Yeah when I look back on those comments
I consider “Should I have taken Anger Management?”
kesha is no star
dont tell her but i think she’s nuts
and as for the clone (since we’re friends i find it better to call him that)
he’s on some other page and believe me I have tried to find him
no i saw he posted on the mythology page like 4-5 days ago but i missed him
i dunno how old he is he could be 87 for all i know
which would explain how he knew that stuff or maybe he just read how me and kesha
talked to each other
so BT what do u think will happen next??
yeah I did that
but why would GG hate me???
I such a lovable guy
crap I’m such a lovable guy
ok so kesha hates me because I’m awesomer than her
wow talk about pathetic
whoa whoa whoa lets back this up
now what do you mean by saying lovable guy in sarcasm?
You stop your laughing out loud and help me understand what you mean
I think you are saying I am not a lovable guy
When I’m as cuddly as a bear
Are you saying Im slow?
ok fine I’ll just leave for the rest of the day
*fake sobs*
*fake sobs again*
*fake sobs*
So but seriously I gotta go talk to you tom.
tom stands for tomorrow
bendy turtle y u so crazy
He is lovable.
SP I mean. Seriously!
SP, go to the froot loops ad walktrough. Its sex club.
GG what are you talking about?
It most certainly is not
Hey GG what’s new?
I think it had something to do with the fruit loops page which wasn’t a sex club
Uh (again)!
SP: The thing: Check out the last comment I posted on the Mythology vs Counterfeit.
Oh and yeah, SP. Go to Froot Loops Ads walkthrough.
Not mad. Just uhing. You get what I mean?
GG you here???????
Ok I am gonna leave now be back at 10 am
r u on BT?
It’s just a random comment, BT!
Hi SP!
Oh, and guys, there is an imposter, faking me. If I don’t put~GG, Its not me. However, if I put ~GG, its me.
SP!!!!!!!!!!! The green grape you talked to at May1,2011 at 2:45pm was NOT me! It was the imposter! I hate her! She goes around flirting with you(but I’m not mad at you)!!!!!!!!!
I know who the imposter is!!!! It’s Kesha younger sister. Now, I’m going to bash her head out of her brain!
Probaly won’t do much good as Fiery and Fire don’t eat celless brains. In truth, kate’s sister is brainless even
Okay ,I’m not saying this is a problem ,I’m just saying I need help.Okay ,I admit ,it’s a problem!!! Anyway ,it happened at Friday ,at school. When I was walking ,I only look to bottom ,not center ,so I can only see my feet ,not the person in front of me. I was walking ,walking,than it happened.Clekkk!!!Uhhh…I move my eyes to center then I see it! I accidentally hit on a guy in my class! Darn ,why does my life stunk like a skunk! I immediately say,”Oooh ,I’m sorry ,I didn’t do it on purpose!Sorry!”.But he didn’t say anything .He just smiled ,but in a “That’s okay ,it didn’t matter ,just continue your walk”way.Then I walked through.What’s weird is ,that he kept looking plus smiling at me. In my heart ,I just say,”What’s wrong with him?Does he like me?”.Then it came to me.When my friend ,which I found to be his girlfriend ,say that he’s likely to hit on girls on purpose.It didn’t meant like he’s …ummm….let’s just say ,wanting every girl to like him ,he just do it when he’s on the mood.Now ,every time I stand at least 5 cm from him and paused walking ,he says ,”Do you need anything?”,or “Yes?”.Then I usually say,”No ,I don’t need anything! Why did you ask?!”.It sounded like a voice that means”Don’t bother me ,you don’t need to know why!”.And believe me or not ,he paused silence ,and show an average face. Usually ,when he asked ,”Why do you come here?”,I said,”You don’t need to know!”.It kind of felt impolite.And yes it is!Now ,I’m saying ,that my best friendS in my class likes him.And I have two!Isn’t it unbelievable?The popular yet annoying girl in my class said that his best friend likes me! EVERYTHING’S UNBELIEVABLE!My closest best friend in my class,Jeaneth ,said that the guy who I ACCIDENTALLY hit on likes me.Man ,why can’t I trust anyone anymore anyhow these days!He’s not that bad ,and I already said I don’t want him to like me….BESIDES ,HE HAD A G-I-R-L-F-R-I-E-N-D!!!Now ,what should I do?
hey cool stomper just becuz he likes you doesnt mean u hav to pay attention to him. just ignore him. he’ll back off eventually…
and as long as ur friends know you dont like him it shouldnt be a problem.
and he may just not be faithful to his girlfriend….. so just not care about how he spends his life and what issues he might have in the future involving you.
Speaking as a 7th grader who knows about these kind of things.
Ive been in the same situation like, 4 times.
You shut it!
I have it,it is so cool!
i have a costume i wanan share
1.Get the bangs from prom queen and the bun from the girl closest to basho’s house
2.Wear any kimono and get a bow on the back
3. Finally get the bikers lips and freckles( make sure u have a normal skin color)
I call it Cute Japanese Girl.
Did you know people, *waving hands in the air*
That the ‘Cassandra’ in comment pages just like in Cute Girl and Queen of the Underworld, did you know that she was……
……..Green Grape.
She did this as a cover for the previous persons she met (ex. MD, SP, Ke$ha,IF,CD,BT/Jade and me.
Outfit idea:
1. red tinker bell dress
2. red midnight ninja belt
3. biker girl jacket and lips
4. black widow hair (b4 black widow goes all schizophrenic-kleptomatic)
5. black tights
6. prom queen bangs
This idea is by ShinyPear55, a poptropican fashion designer who used to frequent this site more, but she wasn’t able to go on for about one week. One day, she checked the site again. Everyone had forgotten her.
cool……………but I’m not a member of poptropica-_-
Hey guys if you look at the poptropica store right now you can see that the midnight red ninja is gone from the list of items there, I still have it in my inventory which is a good thing but wonder if it got deleted like the rock star 1 outfit did.
Anybody else think this is strange?