Harry Potter in Poptropica

Hey everyone, I know it’s been a while since we’ve posted any really good Poptropica Costume cheats. Strange Moon, where have you gone? So this week, we’re featuring a classic: how to create a Harry Potter costume. There are a lot of variations on this, but here’s one of the easiest ways to assemble the costume. You don’t need to be a paid member to get all the pieces, but it will be a little easier. You need to visit the following places:

  • Time Tangled Island
  • Red Dragon Island
  • The Haunted House (card is in the Poptropica Store)
Harry Potter at Hogwarts
Hey, it looks just like Hogwarts!

OK, here’s what to do. First, head to Time Tangled Island and visit the professor standing next to the future machine inside Pendulum’s Lab. USe the Costumize power on him to get his glasses. Next, go to Red Dragon Island. Stop outside the Magic Tree House bookstore on Main Street. There’s a guy out in front with a jacket and tie. Costumize him and grab his tie/shirt, jacket, pants and belt. The next part is the hair. To be as much like Harry Potter as possible, you want something really messy. Since we’re already in Red Dragon Island, you can head to the treehouse. Jack has the perfect hair. You’ll want to colorize your hair to be black so that it’s 100% Harry. Use the Colorizer power card if you have it, or just visit the Diner in 24 Carrot Island and use the colorizer drinks if you don’t.

Now for the final touch: the accessories. You’ll need the Haunted House card from the Poptropica Store. It’s free if you’re a member, but it’s expensive if you aren’t. Go to the Haunted House. If you’ve already completed it, just head down to the party right from the entrance and use the Costumize feature on the Witch. Take her cape and her broomstick and there you have it: Harry Potter in Poptropica!

Need some more help? Check out the video, which shows how to put everything together.

Bonus: Hermione

It’s also easy to create a Hermione costume. All the pieces are the same except you grab the backpack from Jack instead of the glasses in the treehouse in Red Dragon Island. If you’d prefer, you can use the Magician’s wand (it’s an item from the Poptropica Store) instead of the broomstick. Pick some suitable brown hair and there you have it: Hermione Granger, super-smart witch.

Hermione Granger in Poptropica
Hermione Granger showing off her magic skills with a wand in Poptropica.

About Fierce Moon

Fierce Moon is the chief blogger here at PoptropicaSecrets.com and loves to play Poptropica along with a bunch of other online games.

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  1. oh yeah first that was my costume before but i was luna lovegood because my tie was blue and i was wearing a skirt and i was blonde

  2. best book ever! :)))))))))))))))) !

  3. click my name to see my luna lovegood costume

  4. i am the best potterheaf in the whole wizarding world and i am a ravenclaw!

  5. ϟHarry Potter is the BEST book ever!, It has a Permanent-Sticking Charm to my heart. The books are so powerful it can’t be killed by Avada Kedavra. I am the BIGGEST potterhead in the whole WIZARDING WORLD (because muggles are to dumb to know what it is)

    P.S. ALL of these things are copyright or else you’ll pay

  6. Yeah… ‘Twas kinda obvious. πŸ˜›

  7. I think Silver Moon is definitely a fan of the Harry Potter costumes. πŸ™‚ When I have some time, I will post some more instructions on how to put together other Harry Potter characters. Ron and Hermione are pretty easy–it’s the same outfit but with different hair. You can also get the wand from the Magician outfit in the Poptropica Store if you’d rather have a wand than a broomstick. In fact, I don’t remember–does Hermione ever ride a broomstick in the books or movies?

  8. hermoine is never seen touching a broom, shes bloody awful at broom riding
    (P.S,im the biggest potter head in the universe and beyond)

  9. i know how to make edward collin from twighlight
    you get jacks hair on the red dragon island
    and then you have to get the vampire 1 coustume from the store and you take the outfitt from them and take the fangs and color your hair a light orange and then thats all perfect edward hope you liked it

  10. Is poptropicasecrets really fierce moon?

    P.S. Jade your so stupid, imvu is for ppl with no life, it’s gay.

  11. And who’s the new person?

  12. No ones here so I guess I’m out

  13. hermione rides a broom in the last movie

  14. ur all weird and πŸ˜›

  15. Drake, if your talking about me i’m not new πŸ™‚

  16. popsecrts is really fierce moon.

  17. wow the time on this website is 3 hours off.

  18. this suks no1 is here listening to my awesomeness.

  19. infernape, what is the color of St Mungos uniform?
    What does harry say is covered in ice?
    what is the animal on dumbledore’s knocker?
    who was the headmaster before dumbledore?
    what was the password to the prefects bathroom in the fourth book?
    what is fatal to a basilisk?
    how many people came to get norbert?
    what color socks did ron give to dobby?
    who is the gardener of the riddle house?
    what attacked ron in the depertment of mysteries?
    what is the name of hagrid’s mom?
    what does proffesor vector teach?
    what color are the sleeping bags dumbledore conjures?
    what was the gray bean ron wouldent touch?
    how do you defeat a devil’s snare?who takes norbert to ron’s brothers with harry?
    P.S dont cheat! πŸ™‚ book answers only

  20. i can only remember 1 answer and i read 3 1/2 book ( up to halfway in the goblet stopped at the yule ball) dippet was before dumbeldore i think from tom riddle’s diary

  21. do I really have to answer? tell you the truth,as much as I like harry potter,my mom likes it equally,unfortunately,she’s been rather,”obsessive” about for awhile,she’s stopped but frankly I’ve been getting HP shoved down my throat for weeks,frankly,I’m a bit tiered,however,if you wish so desperately,I will answer these questions you have so hot headily presented,so eager to be the best,are we silver moon?

  22. oh its ok you dont have t! πŸ™‚

  23. hey, unknown and bashful cloud what did you see coming?

  24. probably the harry potter costume

  25. after seeing a very potter musical, i just cannot read the books or watch the movies the same way ever again….:)

  26. that is awesome and the very potter musical was so funny LOL and i love the movies my friend read them a loved them.Man can not wait.LOL LOL LOL!

  27. My brother would love to dress up as harry potter on poptropica and my brother is harry potters #1 fan!

  28. grumpy pelican, what?

    this morning, i did morning announcements! it rocked! (but a guy said i was slouching….)
    and this guy was wearing the same color shirt as me! which wouldn’t normally be weird, but it was YELLOW. and there were only like 5 people total wearing yellow in the 8th grade today!

    and on the previous post, they said it was national talk like a pirate day. so…
    arrrrrrrr! me quiz grade is an 80.
    yo-ho, i did morning announcements today.
    wow, i’m not good at this pirate thing.
    why can’t it be β€œtalk like a redneck” day? (i live in the south and some of my teachers have an accent…)

  29. to Grumpy Pelican: Rumbleroar? really?

  30. today i had my first middle school tennis match. I WON! *the final score was 6-1) (the first team to 6 wins in my league)

  31. Rumbleroar, headmaster of Pigfarts (yeah, it’s on Mars.) along with professor McGonigills and Slythering Snake. AND you are a REALLY good student, he’ll let you ride on his BACK!
    It’s from a very potter musical. on youtube.

  32. that’s the gayest sounding musical ever

  33. i love to song Harry Potter in 99 seconds! πŸ˜€ 😎

  34. Wow whats with all the harry potter comments, harry potters cool but you guys and girls are making it so upsessive.

    P.S. What happened to noob, Celeste havent seen that failure for a couple of days

  35. hey infernape, be nice, its a really good musical. It hilarious and you honestly have to watch it

  36. thank you PoptropicaSecrets! πŸ˜€

  37. thats the gayest harry potter costumes and its stupid

  38. being harry potter and that chick

  39. everybody, make or get costumes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. go to avater studio and type liz9517

  41. if gayest means “bestest-thing-ever-you’ll-want-to-go-outside-in-the-rain-and-fist-punch-the-sky-and-laugh-your-friggin’-head-off-with-all-of-the-fantastical-things-it-possesses-yest” then, yeah. why not?

  42. click on my name to see my alien costume

  43. i have a different version for hermione:
    random: black vest thing, black skirt, bangs
    red dragon: tie shirt
    cryptids: beret lady’s hair
    super power: red cape
    store: fairy queens wand and optional lips
    to see put in: hermi1.g. “magic crush”

  44. my version is the one in my avatar studio except the hair is brown and it is the wavy one in the common rooms or the vampire girl

  45. oh and with a red tie instead of blue

  46. the full hermione costume is:
    Vampire girl 2 hair
    gray skirt in cryptids
    any lips but i prafer the biker one
    white shirt with a red tie
    black cape
    biker vest

  47. yay 18th comment!!!!!!!!! super cool… hi anyways… so who likes school?

  48. school sucks

  49. i like school!
    but they give too much homework. that’s why i don’t get online a lot during the week.

  50. β™₯school can be fun with all the great activities and friends you make but i hate school

  51. hey everyone πŸ™‚ how to dress like me 1. hair get the hair from vampire 1 get curly thing and get the thing on the prom queen thing 2. face get red lips like the girl on 24 carrot the one who is wearing a flower shirt get my skin color 3.outfit get the shirt on vampir girl 1 and that vest from cryptids get pants from gamer girl get cake go on poptropica avatar studio and put goosebumps769 and thats how you dress like me

  52. or cupcake or whatever its called

  53. Does any1 kno how 2 make a luna lovegood costume on poptropica???

  54. i changed my name to Katy Perry

  55. Hey, something wacky just happened! I was in the Harry Potter costume on Shark Tooth Island in Poptropica and I was climbing up the Poptropica Balloon and I pressed the spacebar while I was on the rope. And something actually happened! I stood in midair (right behind the rope) and twirled the broom. It looked amazing standing there doing that.

  56. Click on my name to see Harry Potter costume, except with “Rock Singer” hair.

  57. And how do you change the icon up in the top left corner? I’m not a girl and the silhouette is of a girl.

  58. Maybe if you go to the first poptropica island and see if the balloon dude has the super light skinpigment you could make Ron…. just an idea because i remember seeing that light skin color… and the hair, do the stuff that was mentioned for harrys hair.

  59. u got a point lucky

  60. the haunted house isn’t in the store anymore. does anyone have an idea why?

  61. But seriously, please, SOMEONE tell me how to change that pic!

  62. hey all of you guys πŸ™‚ im going to show you how to be dressed in a prom how I did it 1. get a dress any color but I got a white dress 2. get earings if you want I did I got earings to match my dress 3. get any hair I got Vampire girl 1 hair you can get the prom thing I did but if you wanna thats how to dress thats how you be dressed like me if you don’t wanna get the earing or the hair or prom thing go on Avatar Studio put goosebumps769

  63. I thought that Hermione was better but then i was like…” wait..i’m not that smart” so i went with harry potter

  64. @@:-AvrilLavigne-:@ :
    I’m doing an avril costume right now πŸ˜€

  65. lol πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  66. shut up Neat Coyote you bitch

  67. hahhahahahahahhahahah πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  68. “who likes skool?”
    not me,its way too much work not to mention i have to wake up at 6 thats way too early i need my sleep x.x
    but high skool is a lot better than middle,theres a lot more mature ppl(rather than dealing wit all the all the lil kids coming from elementary) and u get a lot more freedom

  69. Grey Crab my person stood in midair too! Its so cool1

  70. @BLue Dragon
    ur right…i mean i atleast have the freedom of getting up @6:30……!

  71. PARTY NOW!!!
    COME NOW!!!

  72. I am HARRY POTTER!

  73. What about Ron Weasley?!

  74. qf, u r NOT HARRY POTTER. his real name is Daniel. i am harry potters biggest fan. i have harry potter glasses. thats how much i LOVE HARRY POTTER aka DANIEL.




  78. drake……………… SHUT THE HELL UP!!!! get over it. just go tell your gay friends about how u feel you maggot-pie!or else i am gonna cut your stones!

  79. how did you turn the cape black? where did you get hermiones skirt?

  80. also cuddly sun i know everything there is to know about harry. here are three questions
    who was the gamekeeper before hagrid?
    what does mrs weasly like mr. weasly to call her when they’re alone
    what is the inscription on lily and james’ grave?

  81. WOAH ! What about a Won-Won costume. awesome man , dont boast its’ not awesome, really. And the gamekeeper before hagrid was Ogg, arthur calls molly mollywobbles, on lilly & james grave is the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death

  82. Incredible Thunder

    oh, the second one is “mollywobbles” or something

  83. How did you get Hermione’s Dress?

  84. good job potterhead

  85. how to make luna lovegood 1. vampire 3 hair + bangs 2. masked hero shirt 3. little demon skirt 4. magician wand and lips

  86. I have a better Harry costume.Go to avatar studio and put in be4guh.

  87. Hey! I know this has nothing to do with the Post but if you wanna see an awesome outfit go to the Avatar Studio and put in Claore10171 in the Username slot and Perfect Hamburger will pop up! and I know, I have the coolest name EVER!

    Thanks everyone!

  88. me like poptropica oh guess what i have every item in the poptropica store and i have a membership

  89. im always last to comment!!! >:|

  90. Friendly Lightning

    I think the one featured on here is much better than yours, Wild Scorpian. You can try typing in junk357 in the Avatar Studio and see what you’ve got.

  91. Friendly Lightning

    clean tornado, I’m the last comment and by the way, if you did try junk357 in the Avatar Studios the avatar has long hair since I’m a girl and its impossible for me to get short hair even though I have it.

  92. See my luna lovegood outfit: go to the avatar studio and type in lululuv19

  93. hey guys everyone get multi player chat room 4 free a type in DTH35 OK!!!

  94. to see my wild west outfit type in darkfairy72269 its awesome

  95. (on avatar studio)

  96. where do u get the skirt for hermione?

  97. i have a hermione outfit on avatar launch (other way around?) type in lilygarnet

  98. Go to the multi player chat rooms and type in BYQ54

  99. i have Ron Wesley’s looks. Go to the avtar studio and chek me out!

  100. you get the hermione skirt from vampire woman (haunted house)

  101. Could u make a costume for Ron?

  102. i am the biggest harry potter fan i am better than all of you. i have a ravenclaw costume i have harry’s and hermione’s wand. i have the marauder’s map.

  103. awesome man
    3. The last enemy that shall be defeated is death.

  104. oh i forgot 1. gubberhouse

  105. listen up peoplei AM the biggest potterhead silvermoon so if any on e wnats to make sirus black here goes go to superpower island get there prison go over to the prison get the prison outfit and turn yr hair black then say greedy bird is the biggest potterhead then find sirus blacks hair style what fits him best boom sirus black

  106. ron costume:

    1.go to wild west rock bridge and get freckles

    2. get rest of harry costume no glasses

    3.get orange hair

  107. Hey guys if you want, theres a justin bieber costume.
    if u a boy, purchase the rock singer outfit, the customize just the clothes…..then go to reality tv island and copy the hair (not the sideburns) then go to 24 carrot island, enter the diner and color your hair brown…then if you want, if you have the new prize from the haunted house, cutsomize the face and mouth, and you will have a zombie Bieber!!!!!!!

  108. Im sooo gonna do this. this is really cute if anyone wants to see my pirate costume on avatar studio type in mscupcake0403 and my multiplayer room is AFP61 byeee

  109. hey guys (and gals) type in ganster903 into the avatar studio plz ppl!

  110. Friendly Lightning

    Excuse me but I think I am the biggest Potterhead. I can answer any HP questions you ask me correctly.

  111. Friendly Lightning

    I know how to speak like Luna, I think I can find the way from Gryffondor tower to the Great Hall correctly the first time I get to go there. I have a HP Gryffondor scarf, HP glasses and some Deathly Hallows necklece. Or maybe, I’m the biggest Potterhead from China.

  112. Friendly Lightning

    I also know how to play Hedwig’s Theme ( HP movie music) by heart on piano.

  113. Friendly Lightning

    You should try typing in junk357 in the avatar studio. I’m working on a Luna and Porfessor Mcgonnagal ( possible wrong spelling in that name) costume and I’ll post them after I’m done.

  114. Friendly Lightning

    Silver Moon is a Potterhead in matter but I am the real Potterhead in mind. I also have a good name for someone who’s Poptropican has HP costumes. Lightning scar. The only thing I didn’t have.

  115. hahaha that is so cool Fierce Moon

  116. There should be a way to be Draco! β™₯

  117. i am the biggest potter head and i already made a luna costume.

  118. answer this:
    what is the strongest love potion?
    what is the color of St Mungos uniform?
    What does harry say is covered in ice?
    what is the animal on dumbledore’s knocker?
    who was the headmaster before dumbledore?
    what was the password to the prefects bathroom in the fourth book?
    what is fatal to a basilisk?
    how many people came to get norbert?
    what color socks did ron give to dobby?
    who is the gardener of the riddle house?
    what attacked ron in the depertment of mysteries?
    what is the name of hagrid’s mom?
    what does proffesor vector teach?
    what color are the sleeping bags dumbledore conjures?
    what was the gray bean ron wouldent touch?
    how do you defeat a devil’s snare?who takes norbert to ron’s brothers with harry?
    what is buckbeak’s other name?
    who is aragog’s wife?
    what is hermione’s middle name?
    what is ron’s middle name?
    what is cho chang’s patronus?
    What do muggles see when they look at hogwarts?
    What does ginny say is tatooed across harry’s chest?
    What do the dursleys dive harry for his first christmas at hogwarts?
    What is ron’s patronus?
    Ernie macmillan’s?
    What is the wood of harry’s wand?
    Ron’s first and second?
    What is the core of the elder wand?
    What does hermione put on her beaded bag?
    What are the names of neville’s family members?
    What floor and window is flitwick’s office?
    How many times did hrmione turn the time turner?
    What is the motion for wingardium leviosa?
    How do you get into the ravenclaw common room?
    What color is the knight bus?
    What floor is the room of requirements?
    what is dumbledore’s favorite muggle snack?
    What is dumbledore’s patronus?
    What is lockhart’s favorite color?
    P.S dont cheat! book answers only

  119. and by the way fierce moon also agrees i am the biggest potterhead. look at the first page. and by the way if you think your the best, avada kedavra, stupefy, sectumsempra, crucio, rictumsempra, obliviate, expelliarmus, serpentsortia, tarantaleggra! diffindo, densaugeo, duro, engorgio, flipendo, furnunculus, impendimenta, incendio, langlock, levicorpus, muffliato, petrificus totalus, reducto,

  120. i know all the answers to my questions.

  121. dear silver moon,
    how do you know and REMEMBER all this stuff?? i am a harry potter fan but the stuff you know is CRAZY!! (in a good way ). and do you HAVE to kill me, then put all those curese on me?? thats a bit mean!! i mean, a advada kedrava will be enough wond’nt it?? and can you also post the answers some time i,d love to know them.
    tiny fly

  122. Friendly Lightning

    The strongest love potion is Amotentia.
    The St. Mungo’s uniform is lime green.
    Which book is that in you’re talking about? theres lots of thing thats covered in ice.
    Dumbledore’s knocker is in the shape of a gryfin.
    Armando Dippet is the headmaster before Dumbledore.
    The password to the prefect’s bathroom is pine fresh.
    Roosters going ko ka dooda doo is fatal to Basilisks.
    four people came to fetch nobert( currently called norberta)
    The gardener to the Riddle house is Frank Bryce.
    Brains attacked ron in the depertment of mysteries.
    Name of Hagrid’s mom = Fridwulfa.
    proffesor vector teach Arithmancy.
    Dumbledore counjored I think sort of purple coulored sleeping bags.
    It’s pepper or some thing real spicy.
    They’re afraid of light
    Hermione takes norbert to ron’s brothers with harry.
    Whitherwings or thats how you spell it.
    who is aragog’s wife?Mosag
    what is hermione’s middle name?Jean
    what is ron’s middle name? Billius or thats how u spell it.
    what is cho chang’s patronus?Swan
    What do muggles see when they look at hogwarts?wreckage of catsle saying danger do not enter in front
    What does ginny say is tatooed across harry’s chest?Hungary horntail
    What do the dursleys dive harry for his first christmas at hogwarts?muggle money
    second?What second? I dont get it
    What is ron’s patronus?dog
    Ernie macmillan’s?boar
    What is the wood of harry’s wand? holly
    Ron’s first and second?ash willow
    Fleur’s? rosewood
    What is the core of the elder wand? thestral tail hair
    What does hermione put on her beaded bag? Some kind of undetectable extendtion charm
    What are the names of neville’s family members?frank alice and augusta longbottom and the Abotts ( in law)
    What floor and window is flitwick’s office? seven
    How many times did hrmione turn the time turner? three the time when she is with HP
    What is the motion for wingardium leviosa? swish and flick
    How do you get into the ravenclaw common room?answer a question not pass word question
    What color is the knight bus?purple
    What floor is the room of requirements? seven
    what is dumbledore’s favorite muggle snack?lemon drop
    What is dumbledore’s patronus?phoenix
    What is lockhart’s favorite color?lilac

  123. Friendly Lightning

    I have a few questions which answer I am not sure because I am reading All HP series in Chines which changes the names of things.

  124. Friendly Lightning

    too bad after you hit me with all those spells ( I dodged the Avada Kadabra one) I went to St. Mongo’s immetietly and got cure after some time while you got a life sentance to Azkavan for attempting to and using unforgivible curses in fellow human beings. To bad.

  125. Friendly Lightning

    what first page are you talking about?

  126. Friendly Lightning

    There’s no point using muffliato you know amd this is what I did when you attacked:
    avada kedavra-dodge, stupefy-protego, sectumsempra(hey that’s dark magic and there goes another reason for me to report you!), crucio(mental note – get ministry of magic law inforcement squad)plus dodge, rictumsempra-ran away and ran back after the spell hit the wall behind me, obliviate -protego, expelliarmus-didn’t get rid of protego charm yet, too bad, serpentsortia-patrificus totalus the snake and threw it at you, tarantaleggra-got hit but used counter jinx, diffindo-dodged and spell hit the wall, densaugeo-was on my way to the W.C so you missed, duro-still in W.C, engorgio-came back and you hit a spider which turned against you, flipendo-you got the spider, furnunculus-got the spider again, impendimenta-killed spider, incendio-got dead spider, langlock-I know how to do nonverbal spells so too bad again, levicorpus-got old lady passing by thank god no one else was watching, muffliato-protego, petrificus totalus-rebounded onto yourself from my protego charm, reducto-you can’tdo that because you’re frozen and can’t move and your wand had flew out of your hand.,

  127. Friendly Lightning (who turns out to be pretty mean)

    The professor Mcgonnagal costume is:
    1.get glasses from first guy you see after arriving at counterfeit island(the square glasses)
    2.get all Harry Potter costume with wand from magician costume in poptropica store
    3.go to haunted house ghoul’s gala and get girl vampire’s dress.
    4.find some hair in a bun.
    5. get some drinks in 24carrot island carrot diner if you don’t have brown hair.

  128. Friendly Lightning (who turns out to be pretty mean)

    You might want to change the upper clothing.

  129. multiverse secret area code ! dkf13

  130. i am a GIANT harry potter fan i hav all the books movies games and iknow how 2 play hedwigs theme on the flute

  131. Be spesific in how much muggle money did they give?
    What kind of dog is ron’s patronus?
    Bellatrix’s wand is walnut.
    What window from the right is flitwick’s office?

  132. what is the counter curse for taranraleggra?

  133. and by the way if i just keep firing spells at you it’s imposible to dodge most of it or deflect all off them and only get hit by one and protego is only for one spell unless the spell is really weak or your a powerful wizard which i doubt.

  134. and i hit you with sectumsempra and you didn’t do anything that means you have three giant deep wounds and i dont think you’ll be able to cast spells like when draco got hit

  135. Friendly Lightning

    Be spesific in how much muggle money did they give? 50pence
    What kind of dog is ron’s patronus? a terrier
    Bellatrix’s wand is walnut. I mixed Chestnut and walnut up because your driving me nuts!
    What window from the right is flitwick’s office? 13
    and by the way if i just keep firing spells at you it’s imposible to dodge most of it or deflect all off them and only get hit by one and protego is only for one spell unless the spell is really weak or your a powerful wizard which i doubt.I have one of Weasley’s Wizard Weezes’ hats so too bad.
    and i hit you with sectumsempra and you didn’t do anything that means you have three giant deep wounds and i dont think you’ll be able to cast spells like when draco got hit . That’s why I went to st mungos.

  136. Friendly Lightning

    Which country are you from and which time zone? and tell me where is this”first page” you mentioned in other comments?

  137. hey guys, check out my multiverse room (code: BWX78)

  138. hi, awesome man.
    you get hermione’s dress by purchsing the devil costume

  139. dear silver moon,
    i have also read all the chinese versions of HP and you are correct.
    and by the way, i meant why did YOU have to kill me then put all thoes curses on ME. not the other way around. by yhe way, nice story,(about the spells and curses)
    p.s yoyu’re my idol!! i wish i was so HP nerdy.

  140. thanks tiny fly and friendly lightning if you have the hat you might have read in the books that they wear off and it probably did after i jinxed, cursed and fired spells at you.

  141. i am from the philipines and the first page meaning first few comments

  142. Friendly Lightning

    The hat wore off after you jixed me and all. so that doesn’t make any differance, doesn’t it? exept the hat wearing off. And I wonder who Tiny Fly is accutrally talking to. And by the way, the books never said anything about sheild charms only working with one jinx.

  143. Friendly Lightning

    Where do you get the blue tie?

  144. well it says it is not for powerful magic and for the blue tie i dont know what your talking about but if it’s on poptropica find it on a random person or on superpower

  145. hey i know how to get another costume

  146. I love HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!

  147. Hiya! I’m a huge fan of Harry Potter and thx for posting how to get the Harry Potter costume.
    One part of the HP series is when Harry gets to be with Serious Black his awesome godfather.
    When they were at the house and Fred & George were doing magic to make the things fly to the table and a knife nearly hit Serious’s right arm. Then afterwards Harry and Serious were laughing so hard together.
    Also Silver Moon I’m from the Philippines too.Metro Manila.

  148. Friendly Lightning

    I wonder if your magic is powerful enough even to disarm anybody.

  149. shiny star u spelled Sirius wrong the mans name is Sirius after the dog star the emotion is serious

  150. shiny star do you go to assumption?

  151. can you do a Percy Jackson or Annabeth Chase costume? I love the Percy Jackson series and I thought since you could do Harry Potter maybe you could do Percy Jackson. (PS you’re really good at this stuff.I stink at it.)

  152. I made this really cute outfit, and I want to share it!

    I call it Stylish Officer! Its gladly only 75 CREDITS!

    And I’ll also tell you how to get the no-player people clothes!

    1.Get ‘Mythology Surfer’ . (You could use any but I prefer Hades for this outfit).
    2.Put on the braid and necklace.
    3.Go to superpower and go find the police officer and copy her belt,hat and shirt.
    4.Next you have to find a black skirt.
    5. This part is optional but I like, use any gum you want!

    Link: Click my name! or go here

  153. dear silver moon, i think you and me are alike because im from the philipins and you to and whats you real name i might know you i really really wish i could see you. P.S.YOU ROCK!!!!!! πŸ˜€

  154. i love harry potter. did u no the weasly brothers hair is actually brown, not red?!

  155. cuddly sun: really???? in the book it’s red πŸ™‚

    hungry horse: thanks! πŸ˜€ i cant tell you my name but re you a girl, if you are are you from assumption?

  156. wow. my question sounds wrong let me say that again: are you a girl? it you are, do you go to assumption?

  157. do you have a pottermore?…..I DO! i am a ravenclaw, if you are a slytherin i hate you! jk πŸ˜›

  158. that’s what i am for halloween.

  159. hey there, fierce moon! i just want u to check out my character on poptropica.. it’s a disco priest! HAHAHAHAH!! check out my character in the avatar studio. my username is lolgirl1762..

  160. i am the biggest and best hp fan ever!

  161. No offense :)… But that outfit doesn’t look like Hermione at all.

  162. ??? what about ron??

  163. Here is my version of Hermione: go to red dragon island. copy the gut in front of the book store. Grab the jacket and shirt no belt or pants. Go to astro knights. Go to the old rumor mill. there is a girl who is dressed in black. grab her skirt. Take the cape and wand from the magician (from the store) any brown hair works. if you dont have the magician use the cape from the green witch on haunted house. Hermione dosent fly a broom but if you want you can use that. *NOTE: this outfit will work with Ginny Weasly or Luna lovegood. For ginny dye hair orange/red for luna dye it blonde. I suggest mixing yellow with a little white for better results

  164. For ron just take the harry potter costume but dye the hair red/orange. because ron isnt a the greatest at flying a broom i suggest using a wand. If you wanna check out my Hermione costume heres my username:KnockKnock36.

  165. Nice Sun- Awesome Hermione costume! I checkeed it out yesterday. But today i got bored so i checked it out again. That time you had a coustume that looked like a Katniss Costume. Right now im collecting the things for the outfit! * I want everyone to check out nice sun! Her username is KnockKnock36. Its super cool you all got to check it out.

  166. Thanks Squishy Berry i just saw this omg ironic you might be reading this right now! Yea that costume was supposed to be my version of Katniss from the hunger games. i pplan on allternating between hermione and katniss. I had a boy charecter who is dressed like harry potter. His username is :585613. I plan on making more movie character costumes. any suggestions. If you want it ill make it. Okay well thanks fro the compliments.

  167. squishy berry and nice sun. I checked out the outfit today. she looks like katniss. wow im collecting the things. the outfit is pretty trendy. nice sun can you like put the hermione costume back on? i wanna see that one. also i checked out harry potter. that was a cool one much better than feirce moons although there is only a slight diffrence its slightly greater. Anyways i wanna see a impression of like justin beiber.

  168. Proud to BE me

    NIce Sun. The Katniss outfit is gay and so is hermione and harry potter. The books are stupid for both and your outfit is off. Katniss is blonde and hermione has short hair!!!!! Also the movies are bad. Why would tou make costumes in honour of them? Emmma watson sucks and daniel raddelciff is gay.why would anyone like a movie with a gay gut in it?????? Anyways your soupid and you should just keep your ugly costumes to your self lesbo

    nice sun-*looks around*
    Proud to be me-what are your doing, soupid?
    nice sun-looking for someone who cares
    -THE END
    Also squishy berry i cant do justin beiber first of all im a girl so some boy items wont be at my access. Also I dont nessicarilly keep tabs on celebrities. Which means that if he gets a hair cut my outfit in no way shape or form be accurate.
    Also Proud to be me
    you are the definition of hater. Katniss is a brunette. Jennifer Lawrence is a blonde. Also the movies and books are good for both series. And another thing. IF YOU HAVE NOTHING NICE TO SAY DONT SAY ANYTHING AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  170. omigosh there was this person who was totally mouthing off on how my outfits are tacky and that harry potter was dumb but i guess they got rid of her comment. Not that i mind cause her comment was mean. Also you can do my play with anyone. like if someone tells you to move look around and say “funny thing is i dont see anyone who cares” it really irritates some people

  171. i am very sorry i am taking up space with my collums i shouldnt post six times in one day ill stop now

  172. one more thing im working on a outfit for the ulltimate super villain. the outfits they wear now are sad i have one for the black widow also who would make the best super villain poptropican couple vote now!!!!!!

  173. hey can anybody answer me this question where do you get the herminone skirt

  174. how do you make a ron character on poptropica??

  175. sporty scorpion

    please put one for vodemort

  176. Sporty Scorpion- I suggest wear a long black skirt a plain black top and make you skin white…also go bald tht should work considering the fact he is bald the nose less thing is already there…Also im back with the hermione costume!!!!!! I like my version because i believe its more accurate in ways……The ron weasly costume is much like harrys just dye your hair red orange and give it the hair cut the boy from shark tooth island has (the one whom you rescue from the island and goes”does this mean i have to go back to school?'” when you rescue him…sorry my post is super long!!!

  177. Lucy i suggest you gett the skirt from the Ye old Rumor Mill on astro knights island the goth girl in the top right corner of the mill has an ideal skirt for hermione! It looks good for lots of things…i am currently wearing the costume so my username is KnockKnock36 if you want to checkl it out and see for yourself!

  178. i just have to say this…….I <3 Harry Potter…..also i play pottermore so if you want to add me im LeviosaWillow13580 Im a gryffindor and my nickname is Fleur Potter!!!
    Spoiler Alert- I plan on making a Katy Perry costume next!!!

  179. How do I get the skirt for Hermione?

  180. Can you make a Ron one? And can you please tell me how to get the skirt for Hermione?

  181. the skirt is from the little demon in the poptropica store

  182. Nice…. but maybe you can also add Ron, and Draco.

  183. can you please tell me how to make remus lupin and sirius black and oliver wood please!!!!!!!!

  184. Is there a way to customize a wand?