Last week, I posted about four fashionable outfits for girls in Poptropica. Now I’m following up with four cool outfits for guys. They’re not quite as fashionable, but these are fun and functional outfits for the Poptropican on the go. Best of all, they’re easy to locate. If you’re not familiar with how to copy costumes from Poptropicans that you meet, be sure to check out my costumizer tutorial first. Got any other suggestions for great costumes for boy characters in Poptropica? Just post away in the comments section and share your favorites.
Pilot from Nabooti Island
You’ll always look adventurous in this classic 1930’s style airplane pilot outfit. It comes complete with goggles, and aviator’s cap and scarf, and a classic flight jacket. You’ll look cool and retro while adventuring around all of the Poptropica islands. The best part is this costume is really easy to get. Just travel to Nabooti Island and run over to the left. The pilot is waiting for you by his airplane.

Grim Reaper
This costume will make you the life of the party. And a party is exactly where you’ll find it. Complete the Halloween mini-quest, which is available as a purchasable “gold card” in the Poptropica Store (it’s free!) If you need help finishing the quest, try this Poptropica Halloween walkthrough. At the end of the quest you’ll arrive at a Halloween party and you can costumize any of the outfits you see Poptropicans wearing there. The grim reaper, with dark hood and scythe is definitely the coolest and most popular.

Aztec Priest
The look of the Sun God is all the rage and a quick trip to the Aztec Empire in Time Tangled Island will get you your choice of very fashionable Aztec wear. There’s a lot to choose from, but my favorite is the priest outfit. He’s standing next to the Aztec King at the top of the pyramid. Unfortunately the skull staff can’t be costumized, but the ceremonial headdress and robes are a great look.

Camouflage Guy
This guy is one of the operatives that you meet in Spy Island. He’s located just to the right of Main Street in the Balding Avenue area. You’ll find him crouching down on a wall near some bushes, trying to look inconspicuous. This outfit is a camouflage shirt and hat, complete with tree branches taped to it. It’s perfect for just blending into the background.

First to comment!
second to comment!
PS.are you a boy or a girl?
as a boy i think those oufits stink!
you should do the skulldugery pirate one
i think pan has a really awsome outfit on mythology! there are like three of them!
one close to hades place where you enter, one in the maze,and one near the golden apple.
but there all the same its just some of ‘pans’ friends have diffrent colour hair.
lol. i like how you shared your opinion lazy fang!
dont forget shark boy
I don’t like any of the outfits except the pilot outfit. And I use that for my girl accounts to look “adventurous”.
your awsome
i dont know if its evanm possible to get out of mitholgy i cant find a rope
There acutally called satyrs.
mythoman i know that and how the heck did you type athenas name in greek and also 3MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S. how did you think of such and interesting name
First to comment! And I think that maybe sometime he/she should do a guide on costumes in the store.
have you people herd of free realms, fusion fall, wizard101, and pirates of the cairibean online and my guy is a danger so he only know how to play paint war so dont let him play other games or he will be out of here! i hope poptropica lets us chat with open chat and we would party and if your recording for u tube you can chat on first you say HELLO YOU TUBE lol i love cheetos heres about dangerous spider.
favorite drink or food: icee. favorite things to do: arest bad guys in super power.favorite tv show: hot wheels battle force 5, transformers, dude what would happen, teen tiatns. favorite video game: wizard101,piartes of the caribean online, free realms. well that all about him bye!
o ya i for got i like the reaper with the spy clothing it makes dangerous spider spikey! 😀 BTW THIS IS COOL AND LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol rofl and these thing are kool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m a girl. So no opinion.
I like to costumize the guy at the party with the top hat and the baton. He looks really angry, so when I costumize him, I say i’m giving him a reason to be angry. 😀
They look awsome i like the style on that prom dress!
I’m a girl soooooooooooooo bla bla bla bla bla “YAWN” bla bla bla blabla “YAWN”… I’m srry if this ofends you and if my spelling is wrong.
it is awsome
Oh god the camp is so good and awesome
In the fields there are lots of pooop geese
people i no its kooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!! :D! so have you herd of free realms
can you find me some cool avatar
games including chatting,finding
a boyfriend and stuff
another cool one is the miotaur on mythology even get the
i have a cool oufit its called hobo you need things from astro knights another one is called winged warrior you need the costume with a lightsaber and the angel costume put the lightsaber on and the wings
@ dangerous spider
yup i have and played free realms its fun 🙂 😉
@ dangerous spider
yea i hav heard of free realms i think its awsome but chaty is endangered >:(
r u gonna help me help him?
reply 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
i hate member ship ):(
I think the three Astro Knights should be on there! Their the bomb!
hey magicbird there a thing called gaia on gaiaonline .com, you make your own person, meet other people, talk to them on a chat thing , and if you download some special thing it lets watch movies too. ITS AWESOME!!
@shifty scorpian
i copied him
i had a nightmare or the menitour killed me with that hell of an axe and i had a nother nightmare of him eating me 🙁 🙁 🙁 really scary
I will beat time tangled island soon
Ok so that boy I was wondering for free realms do you know where I can find the key to the treasure chest over near the sea?
um no offence but the outfits kinda suck.(and isn’t the grim reaper*EWWW SHRIEK IN FEAR* the guy whose skin is green?
free realms does not work anymore when it loads it closes it self and it says do you want to remove the nonsecure items and i clicked no 🙁 i’m not playing free realms anymore 🙁 but that guy u are kool o. O
so if u want to play on my account here is my username: codastar3679
hey that boy have u herd os wizard101? or or fusion fall or or pirates of the cairabean online i spelled one word wrong -_- and i cant belive skull degergey if gonna be realesed in june 16 or 17 🙁 i hate poptrica member ship!!!!!!!!!!! -_- hey that guy i’m getting a new computer in july 26 i think i’m gonna move to elkhart indaina ( by ohio and inlios lol i spelled one word wrong o. O) i think free realms will work faster repley to me 😀 P.S that guy u rock! 🙂
i think last night when i was sleeping i had a bad dream on tuesday i think i was in someplace i think and people just want to apopt me i was a baby! o: and i did not wanted to be apot but i kicked their buts i think -_-
i made a copy of my guy -_- if you see me ask me 🙂
i am a grl but i comment on anything…LOL!
anyway i have better ideas…..
1. the prison warden on superpower makes u look like a scientist
2.the cop suit by pressing 911 on ur nabooti phone
p.s. i dont care if u don’t like my ideas……after all im a grl!!
wats up people
ok so those outfits suck just sayin
hey that guy have u ever see me in wizard101?
hey that guy have you ever seen me in wizard101. or fusion fall ( does not work because idk lol). or or pirates of the cairibean online. if u see me repley to me dude 🙂
hey guys does anybody have a whoppe chusion because i have a digtal one o. O
Dude what’s the third code for the teleporter in spy island?
another cool outfit for guys is the minataur from mythology island some people might not have rememberd him because people keep copying me (no offencse) but he is in sphinks garden inside the door with the bull head on it, use your horn to open the door
and he is there. but you can’t copy his axe = (
for some reason my sister got on my account and copied a girl’s cloths I am going to change the password before she makes my lips red (not from blood from lipstick)
by the way that was NOT hugs and kisses (or does it?????) : 9
sorry was it???? Brain fart!!!! O.o
I need help on the spy city i got the fingerprints, file x, cheff hat, and a decoder.
What eles can I get to bet it.
oh wait it’s minotaur!! Brain fart x 2 )=>
tough goose DONT PUT BRAIN FART only tootise fart lol
Ok lol
@tough goose LOL,That is just crazy LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
nice costumes
The pirate costumes from skullduggery are for boys
How about the grimmreaper outfit with torch card on it.
there are pirate costumes for girls too alex
im gonna go to prom outfits at the bottom of page the next post
me too sunshine
sir gawain has a cool suit
i have all the costumes on poptropica
no sorry i don’t know where that key is but ill look for it try looking on you tube
These costumes on Poptropica are AWSM!!
im trying to get the torch item in the store but i only have 100 credits and finished every single island (thnx to strange moon). WHT DO I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????????????????
Does any one know a good costume for boys to buy, because I only have 125 credits and I do NOT KNOW WHAT TO BUY!!!!! P.S. I have most of the costumes in the store.
I got a good stume
now first step defeat mythology island
2nd: defeat the mansion
3rd get the mythology surfer stume
now copy the reaper stume
try to get white skin
copy the mythology surfer’s necklace the skull one
try to get purple wings
now try to get the metal face
wear hades crownhave and poesideon’s pitchfork
there u have it u can still wear hade crown while wearing the reapers hood
if u want udont have to have poesideon’s pitchfork.
i think the coolest is the space sentry outfit and im not taking anything else, EVER!
Wanna look at a cool/awesome outfit look at me in poptropica:
(click the link)
If people want to look a me with a AWESOME costume visit this link.…dsbFpURXhNUT09
a good costume idea for boys is the godly look i will do this in steps to show you how
step 1 compete mythology island i know it is hard but the rewards are great when you have finished it go to your inventory and click put on for the trident and hades crown
step 2 mix and match the diferent costumes for mythology island to make you look like a god
step 3 press space you will grow to times the size and have a godly glow as well as electricity floating round you it is good
guys use zombie on grim reaper to see a head
Brain Fart LOL
pleaze give more costumes for boys
here! too!
i do not know any of the people up there LOL!
lets move from post to post so lets go to the next one!
well its fun to see all the old posts!
ya, but we need to find out more cool boy cloths and its kindof strang because most of the ppl here are girls(FYI im a boy).
I love my current costume mixup that looks like Q from skyfall james bond! This is how to get it. First go to red dragon and costumize guy in suit out fit but not the hair. Then go to woods and go in to the tree house to get the boys hair. Travel in blimp to 24 carrot and go in diner to change hair colour to black by drinking black juice thing. Travel to time tangled and enter pendulums lab and costumize the old mans glasses. All done! If you want get a broom stick to change to harry potter from the end of haunted house quest.
If you want a phone for Q then randomise your outfit by pressing ctrl shift r at same time and do many times till you get it. Hope you enjoy!
watch my acc
what about the full wolf outfit? ok here is how you get it, first buy the werewolf boy outfit (75 credits) then go to mythological island and go to the minotaur cave. click the t-shirt in the corner then click on the minotaur. next click on his chest and you will be a wolf!