Here’s the poll for our Halloween themed Fan Costume Contest. Check out all the amazing contestants here and then come back here to vote. Remember, you can vote up to 3 times. The top three votes will win first, second, and third place! Winners will be announced on Wednesday, October 31st. Good luck everyone who entered!
[poll id=”42″]
vote for mine please
Ayman, you’re Young Hippo?
Okay! The ones that really suited me:
*Short Seal
*Happy Turtle
*Speedy Fire
*Bendy Turtle
*Muddy Dolphin
*Dizzy Carrot 😀
*Young Hippo
*Sticky Knuckles
I’m gonna vote for…
1) Dizzy Carrot *cheer* (<–She's my good friend, actually! Great costume, Dizzy!)
2) Short Seal (<–The ninja-pirate thing…amazing.)
3) Sticky Knuckles (<—The pumpkin bag! Genius. :3)
Ayman, I'll vote for you on my laptop.
*tries to vote*
Zippy! They say only one vote is allowed! Please fix!
And where’s…
Squeezy Whale
Fierce Raptor
Brave Bean
Wait, disregard that.
I found them.
But we’re only allowed one vote!
Ehh, I voted Dizzy 😉
It’s my birthday, please vote for mine!
Please vote for me peeps!
I’m not voting for anyone.
Now I’m in my ninja costume sorry I was wearing regular clothes. I was just wearing them because I thought Fierce Moon would post the pictures here. So anyway, here’s my link again.
Can you please vote for me? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!
Im quite proud of myself….i thought about being Ginny weasly or Hermione Granger but in the end i thought be original so i added creepy meets cute!!! haha i loved everyones…but im not voting 4 anyone..i wanna make it fair- ADD ME @ KnockKnock36 poptropica freinds 😀
perleeeeeeeese vote for me. I hate that smiley mouth of mine , i got it by, well i dont know so just vote for me! probably by accident!
before i had a pirates mouth! the one yu get in the store
who do think is the best? pleas tell me
Red tiger October 29, 2012 at 4:46 pm
Now I’m in my ninja costume sorry I was wearing regular clothes. I was just wearing them because I thought Fierce Moon would post the pictures here. So anyway, here’s my link again.
You can’t change or make an additions or subtractions or modify your costume once it’s in.
It would be unfair.
Oh okay Cheerful Singer. Thanks for the advice.
Ah, sorry! I just fixed it so you can vote more than once. Thanks for letting me know!
noooooooooo!!!!!!!!! she didn’t post mine!!!!!
oh, i forgot to put my name in there. 🙁 i really wanted to be in the contest!
remember my last post? vampire cheerleader with a tinsy bit of ballroom? REMEMBER?!!!!????!?!?!?!?
I’m not telling anyone who I voted for. In the meantime, did I ever tell you guys that I’m getting contacts soon? They are soo much better than glasses! I’ve had my glasses for about 2 years, and I can’t get new frames till like, January! I’m learning how to put on the contacts and take them back out. 🙂
nice for you, my sister has glasses,too. but she uses contacts ALL THE TIME!
its cute when she puts her glasses on.
hey, i found some usernames that i TRIED and……. THEY WORKED!! HERE THEY ARE,
bulldogs123,username,greenghost,younghippo,and im gonna try these in a second,
kitten123,poptropica,danipopo,oh,thats mine! :),add me,poptropica2468,unfiend,danipopo2,see,i added the 2,ummm,OHOHOHOHOOOOH,catlover,fuzzycheetah,and popsecrets for Fierce Moon.
those are all the usernames that YOU should try. K BYE
God, this song is sooo beautiful!
This is One Direction’s new single that’s coming out in about… 3 days!
Love this song! <3 😥
If you click on the link: I will love you forever!
Hey poptropicans!, right now in Poptropica, they have a spooky wallpaper available.
And they have a new island coming soon, THE MONSTER CARNIVAL!!! ,JK, its Charlie
and the Chocolate Factory!!! I hope you are doing well and Super Villian Island, I heard that someone completed it. I wonder who it is? thanks for all your support,
Fierce Moon
P.S. This was a letter! 🙂
wow, Fierce Moon is commenting on her OWN page, thats just weird
sorry thats another Fierce Moon.
im young hippo vote for me please
I know, right? Can’t wait for Take Me Home to come out!
does anyone know why we didn’t get pop quizes 2 times??????
Ugh. 1D. Too Mainstream.
@LO: Because, the quizzes suck and everyone hated them, dear.
I’m bored so, I’m gonna post a short story about yesterday.
Halloween was tomorrow and I couldn’t care less. For two reasons. One: No one had asked me to “go to the dance” with them. Two: I couldn’t find Keyshia’s cat ears and she was giving me hell for it. Anyways, what I found was really strange was that my Mother had offered to shave half of my head. Whut…? And, after half of my hair was off… “Katrina, you look beautiful.” she said, staring at me with wide-eyes. I looked at myself in the mirror. “I look like Skrillex.” I said, brushing the half of my hair that was still there. My Mother jabbed large black studs in my ear lobes and put on these…hipster glasses. “Now you do.” she smiled. I wasn’t really comfortable with my new look. Eh, whatever. I heard the door open downstairs. I decided I’d look who it was. Keyshia. Yay. “Kat, remember those cat ears you had when you were 12?” she asked, dropping her bag. “Uh…yah.” I said, feeling the bald spot on my head. “I need them. I need to be this…Japanese schoolgirl with cat ears.” “Why?” I asked, knowing that was a stupid question. “First, you’re CHINESE, not Japanese. Second, you need to know Japanese to be a quote un-quote ‘Japanese Schoolgirl’ and three…why?” “First, I know I’m Chinese, I look Japanese…well sorta…second, that’s why for the thing where all you older kids have to go with the 5th graders for a day and do whatever, you’re gonna teach me Japanese and third, I don’t have a boyfriend.” She explained. “God, Keysh, whatever. I don’t have cat ears. And, who said ‘I’ll teach you Japanese’?” “You just did.” She smiled. “Whatever. Do I look like S-” “You don’t look like him, Kat. You never will.” And walked upstairs.
Happy Halloween, everyone!
I don’t get it. Silver Skull’s “backstory” was of one of Rick Riordan’s characters. Rick Riordan is the author of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series and Thalia, daughter of Zeus, is one of the characters in that book. In the book, the character Thalia, is also Hunter of Artemis, as mentioned by Silver Skull. Although the way Silver Skull portrayed Thalia from the books is off, the story is very similar. And, instead of a sword, Rick Riordan’s character owns a spear, but it has the same ability as to where it also harnesses the power of the Greek god Zeus. I think you, Fierce Moon, should change your choice of words and include the original author of the backstory or at least the inspiration this player got his/her story from. If you choose not to, it is fine. I just decided that I inform you of the truth. Thank you.
How do you change profile on this blog? O_O, And Congratz mighty. Heart!
How do you change profile on this blog? O_O, And Congratz mighty. heart! P.S I like 1D.
😥 :heart: