Wow, there’s only a few votes separating the current leader of the Anything Goes Costume Contest from 2nd place! I’m going to keep the contest going until the end of the day tomorrow (Monday, May 6th at 5pm EST). So…get out the vote! Use the comments below to try to sway anyone who hasn’t voted yet. Tell us who you think deserves to win and why. And, as always, please be respectful and cool to others. Tell us which costume is great, not why someone’s costume is bad.
This is down to the wire, can’t wait to see who comes home with the prize! Good luck!
Sorry. I just couldn’t help myself! ๐ณ
NINTENDO FRIEND: VOTE FOR SILLY BIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT’S WHO I VOTED FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What’s Zippy Turtle’s username?
No idea, if you looked around the site you might be able to find it.
Na. Too lazy. Won’t be on for awhile.
You guys STILL trying to get the passwords?
I just helping her a bit. I still think I’m not going to get them. 99% sure of that.
@ Slippery Icicle – Thanks for all of the help. Anything yet? o.O
I said I’d tell you when I get anything back.
@ Slippery Icicle – Oh ya right. Sorry I must’ve forgotten…. ๐
His reply: I have never thougfht of it that way before! I will hide clues around and see if u can figure it out!
@ Slippery Icicle – Well what are we waiting for? Let’s search his site! If we figure it out post it here! Okay?
@ Slippery Icicle – And don’t ask him if anything is the password. Just type it in and find out for yourself, then inform me here, cuz who knows what kinds of tricks he’s got up his sleeve. Okay? Sound like a plan?
Okay. I’m wanting for him to reply again, to see if he’ll give any hints on the hints. He probably didn’t add any yet.
@ Slippery Icicle – Kay. Also, Could you give me the link of where you commented? Just curious.
@ Slippery Icicle – Do you have Fierce Moon’s username? o.O
I do not.
@ slippery Icicle- Thanks! also, do you want her username?
Sure, why not?
@ Slippery Icicle – Okay here’s the user – popsecrets
Yep, that’s it. I found it while searching for other rare items. Enjoy!
@ Slippery Icicle – Sorry I have to go now. I’ll post in like 7 – 9 hours, cuz I have to go to bed. I’ll check back in the morning. Bye! Oh make sure to let me know here if you hear anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um,you don’t have to post like,24/7.Just noticed.
I hope I win (Most likely won’t -_- )
I’m like,4 votes from you. -_-
Remember what happened to last costume content? About the multiverse?
I’ll give a code if I either win, lose, come second, etc.
Hey everyone! Please tell me if you can see this comment because a few of my other ones were awaiting moderation. Please ANSWER me โ
Fascinating ๐ฎ
I see you. LOL
See you,CK.
please vote for me speedy dragon dressed as Cinderella.
Anyone on now? i hate stinkin timezones!
Oh and if any one knows TIBs blog, can u tell me the password into rare cheats? id really appreciate it ! Oh, and vote for Nice Leopard on the costume contest! (what do we win, anyway?) and friend me on Poptropica! (Name is Zayla 2636) THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
hullo again!
๐ That previous post was a bit weird โ
Cram it, OK? Im British! (LOL nope im Canadian, but ive been in England for a little bit and it kinda grew on me)
Slippery Icicle – Anything from him yet?
@ World- Know I don’t have to read as much comments as before!
Fascinating ๐
๐ณ *Now
Fascinating ๐ณ
Not that I know of.
@ Slippery Icicle – I wonder what Tough Icicle is up to…….. Hmm……. o.O
Fierce Moon is probably never coming back, which is really perculier being that she pays to keep this blog and the forum open. -.-
May I ask why you’re so….interested in this?
@ Slippery Icicle – Who are you taking to? And What about?
@ Scary Sky – Do you want Fierce Moon’s username?
@ Scary Sky – Do you by any chance know what happened to Grey Feather?
CS I’m talking to you, about TI and his rare item lists.
@ Slippery Icicle – Oh, sorry. It’s well, cuz, like, um………………………………….. I guess I’m just SUPER curious of whats behind those password protected pages. Aren’t you?
Meh, a bit I guess. Spikes a bit of curiosity for me, but not that much to be honest.
@ Slippery Icicle- I wonder when he’s going to hide the passwords on his site, and I hope he isn’t lying about that, otherwise I’d be really ticked off.
I don’t know. You’d have to ask him or wait. I don’t think he’d lie, if he didn’t want to give them out he probably would of just ignored me.
@ Slippery Icicle – Ya you’re probably right. Also, didn’t Sticky Clown say that he USED to know the password? o.O
I don’t know, I recall reading something about someone knowing the password. Don’t remember who.
@ Slippery Icicle – Ya, and he said something about there wasn’t anything on there that wasn’t from any other site expect 2 of the glitches.
Sorry gotta go bye! See ya in 1 – 2 hours!
I’m back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just came from my band and choir concert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When does the contest end??????????????
Ought to be interesting.
Yes it was we were totally AWESOME!!!!! ๐
A few minutes ago I came back from Karate class!!
I think people should vote for White Seagull or Silly Bird.
You should vote for White Seagull because his costume is epic; and a rock star kicking and punching on stage, awesome! He should go on tour in Crystal Cavern with the costume.
If you don’t agree with me, vote for Silly Bird! (I didn’t vote for him [I voted for White Seagull]) His Beep Monster (sounds catchy) looks a lot like a person, though he did great anyways!
Wait, voting already ended in my time zone!
@ both of CS posts, I think I already have it, no I don’t know.
It didn’t here. People are still voting.
And it’s like 9:37PM!
@ Grey Feather – Nintendo Friend thinks she’s Beepmonster. She’s weird.
The contest STILL didn’t end…. now it’s 10:26 PM.
And my SISTER made up Beepmonster. In the comments it refers to her as a “he”.
Zippy Turtle – 1. What’s your username so I can friend you?
2. When does the contest end if we’re in central time?
@ World- I’ve got quite a lot goin on today. I had a soccer match at school, I have my karate lessons soon and I had bootcamp at school also! ๐
Fascinating ๐ฎ
๐ Look at me! I have a beard! ๐
Fascinating ๐
I’ve been waiting for someone to comment but no one has โ Maybe cos you people are asleep!
May 7, 2013 at 6:58 pm
Fascinating ๐
Voting STILL didn’t end! And now it’s Tuesday! What the heck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ Cool Kid – Oh and the comments you post are at midnight where I live. That’s why I don’t post.
Yes,what’s said about me is true.
Anyone going to the Poptropica Party May 15th? I am! Its at 7:30pm et (eastern time) Room Code To Be Announced! Theres also one on May 17th 8:00pm et! Hosted By: Tough Icicles Blog and Grumpy Snowballs Blog! YOUR WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plz ask fr Club Penguin Times
What time are the parties in Central time?
There’s a new post, but you have to type in anything goes costume contest or something like that.
Slippery Icicle – Anything from Tough Icicle yet? o.O
Party??? Awesome!
What time will it be in west coast time?
I live near the west coast (in California).
Whoa! You live in California? Cool!
It is kinda cool.
It has Half Moon Bay, San Fransicso, San Jose (with Silicon Valley), Yosemite National Park, and Coyote Point! ๐ How’s Illinios?
It’s okay. I would LOVE to live in California, but it never snows, and that means no snow days, and we’d never be able to stay inside during gym. Have you ever seen snow?
Almost forgot!
Universal Studios, Disneyland, Santa Cruz Boardwalk, and Disney California Adventure Park! ๐ You might have seen California in commercials.
@ Grey Feather – I ALWAYS wanted to go to Disney Land!!!!!! And you haven’t seen snow? I see it all of the time in the winter, but this year it hardly snowed. When I was little I always thought snow tasted like ice cream, and no I didn’t actually eat the snow, as I grew older, I realized that it was ice or frozen rain, or whatever you want to refer it to. But other wise, yes. I would like to visit California one of these days.
I wish I’ve seen snow ’cause I haven’t seen snow since I left Canada when I was 3 or 4. ๐
What the??????????? You lived in Canada before????????? โ
Announce that multiverse code already!
My mom wants me to stop using my computer soon!
I already did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And now you’re not answering me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
‘Sup world?! ๐
Do you play an instrument?
Well, my class has music on Thursdays before lunch and everybody has to play the recorder.
So, yes.
Just ate a couple of Gummy Vites.
If you’re wondering what they are, they’re gummy bears, except with vitamins.
And the jar says you should eat (chewing first) 2 of them everyday.
@ Grey Feather – I played the recorder when I was in 3rd grade too! Same goes for 4th! Then I started band in the 5th grade! Now I’m in 7th so, ya, I’ve been a music person for a few years.
@ Grey Feather – Why are you taking vitamins? o.O
I dunno. But Gummy Vites tastes good and is good. ๐ And I think they’re good for me because Choline is found in egg yolk and I don’t really like the taste of eggs and the yellow Gummy Vites have Choline and that’s why they’re good for me, as well as the other colors. Though, I don’t get something. On the jar, it says that the purple Gummy Vites (I don’t see any, but they’re probably on the inside, surrounded by other Gummy Vites) are gluten free, buh wha vitamin might they have??? Maybe the purple ones are gluten free nothings.
@ Grey Feather – Hmm…….. Interesting.
@ GF- I love those Gummy Vitamin lollies โ Although you’re only meant to have 2, I have like 5 โ
Fascinating ๐
@ Cool Kid – Do they sell them in Illinois?
I found them in Costco, a store in California, so, I don’t think so.
@ Grey Feather – There are Costcos in Illinois, I just don’t shop there. I shop at Target.
@CK- You’re older than me. What are the purple ones supposed to be (besides gluten free) โ
@CS- I’ve seen them at Target in California, and if your mom lets you, you can buy them at Target in Illinois.
@ Grey Feather – I don’t think she will cuz not to long ago, she was taking them and she said they don’t help. I don’t know if it was that bran or not, but ya, I probably won’t be taking them anytime soon.
Your mom is CRAZY ๐ …..whatever brand it was.
Gummy Vites taste good and are good. ๐
@ Grey Feather – I think when I was little I took Gummy Vites. I remember. Now I don’t take vitamins.
@ GF- What’s the brand of your Gummy Vitamins?
@ World- Don’t you people just love Hersheys โ
Fascinating ๐
@ Cool Kid – I LOVE Hershey’s! They make the best chocolate! I also like Fannie May, Whitman’s, and Dove chocolate too! Hmm….. CHOCOLATE.
@ CS- Have you tasted Ben & Jerry’s โ If so, what’s your favorite flavor?
Fascinating ๐ฎ
@ World- My friend is awesome โ She gave me a big fat block of cookies and chocolate Hersheys ! ๐ Ben & Jerry’s is quite expensive in Australia… ๐
Fascinating ๐
@CK- It’s Gummy Vites. And, ๐ฏ โ Wha the? That’ weird, or maybe it’s because the Austrailian money is less than American dollars and cents.
@CK- Itโs Gummy Vites. And, ๐ฏ โ Wha the? Thatโ weird, or maybe itโs because the Austrailian money is less than American dollars and cents.
Sorry! Typo! ๐ณ
Still didn’t work! ๐ฏ ๐ก โ โ
@ Cool Kid- What’s Ben & Jerry’s?
@ Grey Feather – I don’t know if it’s true or not, but Sticky Clown said comments with only face(s) are spam.
Hmm Mmm.
GF:I’m not sure if this is true,but I’m sure the Agh could’ve counted as spam.
@ CS- Ben & Jerry’s is an ice-cream. It’s delicious. I think my favorite one is Cookie Dough.
Fascinating ๐ฎ
@ Cool Kid – Oh NOW I know what you’re talking about! The ice-cream! I used to eat it when I was little. Now I eat Eddy’s and Breyers.
@ CS- Breyers is nice too. BTW, what’s your favorite Hersheys flavor?
Fascinating ๐
Just the normal one AND the one with almonds! Mmm….. CRUNCHY.
@ Grey Feather – What? What’s wrong????? โ โ โ โ โ โ โ
@ CS- Mmmm. That’s nice.
@ GF- What’s up โ โ โ
Fascinating ๐
That was so NOT spam. ๐
@ CS- What’s a spam โ ๐ณ
Fascinating ๐
@ Cool Kid – I dunno. You should ask Sticky Clown. He brought it up.
Yea. My dad told me that spam is an e-mail from a pirate (the virus-sending kind) that’s a trick and originally if you click on something in a spam e-mail a virus get’s on your computer. That’s what my dad told me. ๐
@ Grey Feather – I wonder why Mighty Drummer said that most of my posts were spam… I didn’t even know what spam was! Until you told me.
So your posts are NOT spam. ๐
Because spam is totally different!
@ Grey Feather – Good.
*yawn* ‘Sup guys.
The sky is up! It always is! Unless the sky is falling! ๐
About the spam thing, could you tell that to Mighty Drummer? As much as I like her, she said most of my posts are spam!
This is EXACTLY what she said –
“Cool Smarticle,please donโt post too much.It seems that most of your comments are spam,and I donโt think the administrators approves of that.Please lessen your comments and if you do,post comments that actually makes sense.Just an advice. ๐ “
@ CS- I still have no idea how some of your comments are spam. This is a very peculiar subject. ๐
Fascinating ๐ก
Tell that to Mighty Drummer.
Did you tell her?
@ CS- No, I didn’t.
Fascinating ๐
Well….. next time it comes up in a conversation tell her. Please?
@ CS- Ok.. Don’t worry .. I will…
You’re not going to tell her…. are you? o.O
@ CS- I thought you told me too โ โ โ Well if you don’t want me to tell her you’re in luck cos I haven’t.
Fascinating ๐ก
No!!!! I DO want you to. I just THINK that you’re not going to tell her. But please do. Tell her in a nice way though. Make sure to mention my name too.
@ CS- I will when she comes back on.. Chillax
Fascinating ๐
Okay. I’m chillaxing. ๐
@ CS- Good ..
Fascinating ๐ก
Are you mad at me โ You have “Fascinating ๐ก “.
@ CS- The faces at the end of Fascinating don’t mean anything. I just put whichever face.
Fascinating ๐
Oh, they don’t go with the mood โ They’re just random โ
@ CS- Precisely
Fascinating ๐ฟ
I think you did that one on purpose. ๐
@ CS- Maybe…
Fascinating ๐ก
That one too…… โ You’re just trying to prove your point. XD
Hmm……… ๐ก
@ CS- Hmmm what โ You got an idea or something โ
Fascinating ๐
Maayyyyyyyybeeeeeeee, maaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy not. ๐
@ CK- Don’t play games with me CS. Only kiddin.
Fascinating ๐ฏ
You play games with me, like your name. ๐
And you talking to yourself? “@ CK – ” โ
@ CS- That last comment I typed was meant for you.
Fascinating ๐ณ
Don’t play games with me CS โ
I did that on purpose!
๐ Right?
@ CS- You imitating me. LOL โ
Fascinating ๐
Why did I say that? O_O