The Poptropica Creators posted a quick sneak preview of an upcoming mini-game called D.C. Diner, which will be available “very soon.” They don’t reveal much about this new mini-game, except that it will be all about Mystery Train Island. In the game, Poptropicans are all getting ready to board the train to the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893. But before they get on board, they want to eat at the D.C. Diner. It looks like the object of the game will be to serve them the food that they’re ordering. It sounds a lot like the classic game of Diner Dash.
This new mini-game will probably be available as the sneak preview for Mystery Train Island on the main Poptropica Map. For the last few islands, they’ve made special sneak peek mini-games available for a week or two before the island itself is released for members. Most recently, we had the Sumo Wrestling game for Red Dragon Island and the Shrink Shot game for Shrink Ray Island.
ok guys im gonna tell u a secret that i found myself so if u go to avatar studio u can type in binarybard and it will come out as the real binary bard! so that means binary bard’s username is binarybard!!!!!!!!!!!!
Second!! I can’t wait for this sneak peek because ove these types of games!!
wow hi BC wats going on hi Infernape im a frend of BC and Jade (aka bendy Turtle) ive been on here 4 bout 2 months u can call me charlotte if u want
oh i know cuz i went on tha page she had tha links up and Jeal mad cuz she said she wasnt british okay then
😮 :0
hi BC can u show me the faces like this : ) wit a space between them insted of this 🙂
Anyone here?
😎 :8
😳 8)
🙂 😀 😛 😉 😮 😳
🙁 😥 😡 😯 😎 / 8) 👿 😈 😆 😐
???? 👿 ❓ ❗
🙂 😀 😛 😉 😮 😳
🙁 😥 😡 😯 😎 / 8) 👿 😈 😆 😐 ❓ ❗ 💡 🙄
UUUGh! 👿
Twenty-one faces I can make.
/ 👿
Yahoo cant wait toplay mystery train i am done with everything elese in 1 mounth
hey! for the design it would be cool if we could chose what design we want
sorry, on wordpress you have to download it.
hullo i got a potter more welcome letter!
What does that have to do with anything?
silver moon, that’s so awesome! lucky you!
RYAN’S RIGHT! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! New mini game. It’s really fun!
only three shifts for non members. how aggravating.
i got 3 prizes from d.c. diner so cool!!!
I have 3 items from D.C. Diner: Mark Tiwan hair, Magician hat, and Thomas Edison light bulb.
Im playing this on poptropica right now!
I won lots of prizes! 🙂
Tell you what,the poptropica creators made a new feature!You can add friends to your account!
:shock:Ooops,I thoght I was on facebook!
Does anyone have a multiverse code? i am bored.
I have a room code: DJC37
🙂 hi:)
on the DC diner thing, i got edison’s lightbulb! it glows when you hit the space bar.
advice on DC diner: if you are a non-member, get the fast drinks upgrade!
cae315, that’s an awesome website! i have a google account and now i can’t wait for google project to come out! it looks cool
Neat Hopper, if you can’t do it I can send you an invite. Whats your e mail address?
Yeah Neat Hopper’s right. I tried to do the hostess and I failed. Fast drinks is more worth it.
Oh and Neat Hopper, I it’s pretty exclusive, so if you give me your E-mail address I can send you an invite so you can do it!
sorry i didnt see it
does anybody want to do a muli-verse now? Or anybody? the code: AYW34!
Multi-Verse code: AYW34
I left. I mean it exited me. 🙁
nope code changed
new code: DLW39
D.C. Diner is here.
sorry, cae315, i dont want to give out my email. but when does it come out for everyone?
on DC diner, what prizes can the non-members get? i have edison’s lightbulb
one more thing, cae315, can you explain Google+ to me. i searched it on Wilipedia and here’s what the first part said:
“Google+ (pronounced and sometimes written Google Plus, sometimes abbreviated as G+) is a social networking service operated by Google Inc. The service launched on June 28, 2011 in an invite-only “field testing” phase. The following day, existing users were allowed to invite friends, who are above 18 years of age, to the service to create their own accounts. This was suspended the next day due to an “insane demand” for accounts.
Google+ integrates social services such as Google Profiles and Google Buzz, and introduces new services Circles, Hangouts, Sparks, and Huddles. Google+ is available as a web site, will be available as a desktop application,[citation needed] and is already available as a mobile application, but only on the Android and iOS operating systems. Sources such as The New York Times have declared it Google’s biggest attempt to rival the social network Facebook, which had over 750 million users in 2011.
Google Apps mail accounts are the only ones that cannot be used for Google+, as Google Apps doesn’t support Google Profiles yet.”
i am not over 18, so i dont think my mom would let me be invited. thanks anyway. but i’m still curious. so, if you can, please answer these questions:
1) when will G+ be available to the public
2) is it a safe site (meaning, will people be able to cuss and get away with it)
3) describe the privacy settings (meaning, will i get random friend requests or comments from a total stranger)
4) can you change whether or not someone’s Google Profile is visible
5) what are the age restrictions (like on twitter, you have to be at least 13)
6) what are some cool features that it has
7) how did you get in??????????
please try to answer these. thank you.
-Neat Hopper
Neat Hopper, sorry I can’t answer all of you’re questions::
3.well if your post is “Public”, then anybody who hes a G+ and looks up your name will see your posts. And you don’t get friend requests. You add people going to your “Circles” and “add” a new person, type in their name or email- to invite- and put them in your “Circles”. Then if someone adds you, it will “Notify” you as “added” to somebody’s “Circle”
6. there are games. I’m playing Monster World right now.
7. My mom invited me.
Listen I’m really sorry I can’t answer these questions, but you can look them up. Hopefully it will say the answers. 🙂
Hey, neat Hopper, search Caelin Muniz on google and click on Caelin Muniz Google plus. That’s my account. My profile photo is a Poptropican.
cae315, nice profile. i’d tell you my profile name, but i really don’t want to give outmy real name. it’s just a privacy thing.
*Horrified Expression* Ahhhh! What has Jade done to poptropica secrets! She must be… like.. the god of destructions daughter!!! Ahh! The new way of the site looks so bad… I might leave!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!
And neat hopper… When you click your name it comes to your charecter. How did you make its muth move like that?! Bye
Shut the **** jeall! U have no right 2 say that about jade so shut the **** up!!!!!!!
perhaps you should think more about keeping your own mouth shut cuddly sun, you insignificant ignoramus, then again, I find myself questioning if you intelligence will serve you the ability to understand every word I have written WITHOUT using a dictionary, getting help from some on else,or using a computer
this site really did change in the 4-6 months that i last posted… 😮
😀 👿 …. i need to go back to my older posts to find my other emotes…. and strange moon is now fierce moon… im SO behind!!!!
Infernape I no every word in you writing. And u aint got anything on me cause I am in the top pre-algebra class and all other classes in my seventh grade. BTW tell me war the definition of balderdash without using a dictionary
balderdash is a video game
board game sorry
Incorrect it means to be bald
read and weep
Balderdash means nonsense I accidentally type the wrong definition .
If u no every thing then tell me the meaning of supercalafragilisticexpialidotous
its means balderdash
nothing, its nonsense from Mary Poppins
and it supercalafragilisticBEexpeallidocies
there’s b in the middle
i was the first one to win shrink ray island
i couldnot belevie that the internet let me go to mystery train island
Jeall, sorry i was late posting. today was my first day of school.
(URGH! I DONT HAVE ANY CLASSES WITH THIS ONE BOY I LIKE! (i hope he doesn’t see this….))
i got my character’s mouth like that by customizing someone in a common room.
today was my first day of school! ALL the classrooms were FREEZING!
someone help me on shrink ray do i get the key to her diary?i know its in the fish tank but how do you get it without the fishes getting you?
your lying.
Dont be mean. If you have nothing nice to say, dont say anything at all.
Infernape and Cuddly Cloud,
No one cares what Balderdash means. If you two know that’s great.
Anyways, everyone im sick of hearing fight on hear, so please stop.
Oh and how do you get the emotes peoples? Please tell me!- SHaggy Shell
DLW39 does not work for some reason… If you have more codes please tell me… Id appreciate it a lot… seriously… please write back soon I would like to know.. And not to brag I finished 9 islands and i have no credits… ROTFL (rolling on the floor laughing) I seriously am… I am just wierd like that
Am I allowed to tell my username and password?
HEY GUYS!!!! REMEMBER ME!?!?!?!? Sorry I haven’t been commenting a lot… I’ve been busy… Oh well! Not MY problem!! 😉
oh, no, look what was today a.k.a. my FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL: (click the link below)!national-failures-day
I am still alive after not posting for a while!!!!! I am going to be in mythology island common room for whoever wants to meet me.
Well, it doesn’t look like DC Diner has an end. I wore out my mouse hand getting the first 13 levels (169 customers, 25 on that level alone!). It is easier than many “waiting tables” games, but the play on a level is almost nonstop! I tried saving time by having the cook do three servings at a time, anticipating what might be ordered, and sometimes I served customers in a second or two after they ordered! 🙂
But I also occasionally got “stuck” and had to throw something away and wash the dish. With just 4, then 6 spots on the tray, and only 3 on the cook’s counter, you can get jammed up if you don’t serve and wash regularly.
Anyway, the written explanation was a lot harder than the actual game, but a video should be comparatively easy to do. Just be aware that come September the Diner may be going bye-bye like Shrink Shot, so its not worth getting really good at it.
How do you play DC Diner on Poptropica
BTW The spelling is “supercalifragilisticexpial-i-docious” with an i….(Mary Poppins, 1964)
AYW34!!!!code,that isn’t right.But if you guys have a real one,i’ll be happy to see it,
isn’t it???
I playd it but its kinda hard. any1 wanna multiverse? ROOM CODE:DCB56
i never got past level two of dc diner! it sucks
I know! 🙁
This is the 100th comment!
I’m a member and so I got lightbulb a weird haircut that comes with a bushy mustache a magician hat and an effile tower hat and my personal fav the tesla coil when u spacebar it produces lightning :3
Ss it is cuddly SUN! U dumbo!!!!
First one 2 comment 2day!!!!
This page is stupid!! And has stupid people on it mainly infurape peace suckers!
I will be at red dragon
poptropica is the best game ever like evry month there is a new island and its realy awsome .
i agree with u anjela! i ♥♥♥♥ your name!! it is so pretty
i hate that there is no new island this month! I can’t stand waiting past picture day at school (like September 4 or something but the wait always feels like a month) to have to have a membership to play it! but i’ll probably get a membership
i like the hair !
cuddly sun shouldnt u be at school?
shirink shot prizes
wow nice job ……. bad job