Gretchen Grimlock

Cryptids Island Villain

She is a fortune huntress who joined the quest to find evidences for the existence of the unconfirmed cryptids located at Dr. Harold Mews’ mansion. Others treat her as the updated Betty Jetty. She is very interested with the multi dollar prize money and will do anything to get it. So be prepared for her naughty acts!  You will meet her first at the sea after Cliff Park. She will say that “You might give up the prize money. It’s mine. Have a nice swim”. And then she will shoot your kite (KiteSurfer X250) with fire while you do surf gliding that will burn it up and will make you drown. You will encounter her again on your arrival at Puerto Rico while you are searching for the Chupacabra. She sabotaged another participant on this cryptids’ quest which will be rescued by the goat herdsman.

And then her last appearance will be on your final quest for the Bigfoot on Himalayas. She will bug your helicopter’s communication system and will arrive on the location using her own helicopter. So better to capture her first before she captures Bigfoot!

How to beat Gretchen Grimlock?

Beating Gretchen is so easy. While she is riding her helicopter, you need to chase her using your own and get close enough to her and then jump on her helicopter and open the gas tank to spill out the fuel. But before the helicopter goes down you need to jump on the cage of Bigfoot and then use your gardening shears to cut the rope and you’ll go down safely using the cage’s parachute. You’ll appear on Mew’s mansion after. And when you’re done confirming Bigfoot’s existence, you just turn down the multi dollar reward which is Gretchen dying to claim. You are such a generous person in here for donating that fortune for the Bigfoot’s safe habitat.

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