Video Walkthroughs of Zomberry Island!

Zomberry Island has arrived! Β Check out our video walkthroughs! Β Our written walkthroughs will be up shortly. Β Enjoy!

About Zippy Turtle

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Box Trolls in Poptropica

Poptropica Box Trolls Advertisement Walkthrough

There’s a new advertisement building for the Box Trolls, an animated movie coming to theaters …


  1. Third…

  2. Fifth!!!!

  3. Lol I don’t care what rank I’m in. I just wanted to say that I am deeply disappointed the zombie outbreak was not by some villain who wanted zombie minions, and it was just pesticides who turned them into zombies.

  4. Testing ‘cos I made a Gravatar

  5. Lol. Everyone here has a Gravatar.

  6. I feel like I’m the only one here that doesn’t have a Gravatar…

  7. Brave sky i dont either…also we r alive…when the world was supposed to end…and im bored…and i still want outta this country…

  8. i don’t have a Gravatar and thats okay with me.

  9. The world wasn’t supposed to end, all the happened today is the Mayan Calendar ending. But some idiots fooled gullible people into thinking it would end.

  10. i think its stupid to think the world is ending today. :/

  11. The only reason I don’t have a Gravatar is because the email I used to use got hacked and I’m now using my Facebook email. -_-

  12. I know the world wasn’t supposed to end, I’ve been kind of neutral on the 2012 phenomenon. But for some reason, I keep looking out the window to see if something happens- I know, stupid, right? At least I wasn’t all paranoid like hiding under a manhole or something. Tommorow I’m going to Texas with my family. But we’re going by car, πŸ™ I wish we could go by plane. By this time, airline tickets are pretty expensive.

  13. Hello! I’m commenting on 23 Dec. so the world did not end!!! Anyways, i did not believe in that junk!!!!

  14. Does everyone know the movie 2012? It was a pretty awkward movie about the world ending on 2012

  15. The world won’t end because the earth can’t just end in a whole day exactly on Dec 21! There must be signs, so far there wasn’t, plus, it says the world will END on Dec 21, not ENDING in Dec 21, so yeah, all the events can’t happen just in a day. So if the world is gonna end on Dec 21, then the world HAS to be ending long before Dec 21, and look, the world DID NOT END!! HAH!! I’M RIGHT! I’M ALWAYS RIGHT!!! I probably blew your minds right? πŸ™‚ You probably don’t even understand what I’m saying. It’s okay, it’s a “me” thing πŸ™‚ Besides, I really do know how the world WILL end….

  16. Well, actually there’s two ways I know, one is FOR REAL, and the other creeps me out from the scientists themselves. The scientist says in 5 billion yrs, the sun will eat the planets (including dear Earth). Meaning, that the sun will die, turning into a dark void known as the black hole (when sun/stars die, they turn into black holes), as you know, black holes can suck things near it like a vacuum cleaner, like as if it’s “eating” the planets in our Solar System.

  17. I wouldn’t be alive in 5 billion years

    Fascinating πŸ™‚

  18. i mean um a i dont know what i mean

  19. hey i did a emote!:):):):):):):)):)

  20. and i talk way way way too much!

  21. I am not weird short eagle! πŸ™

    Fascinating BD

  22. thanks πŸ˜€ so cool of you to show a walkthrough of zomberry island i got stuck alot and watching the videos you made of it all i saw what i did wrong haha thanks ps. i killed all zombies πŸ˜›

  23. ! @ # $ % ^ & * 9 )